Amazon Brand Registry

What It Is, How It Works, and Why It’s Important

Competition on Amazon’s marketplace is fierce, and sellers are constantly working to stand out amongst the crowd. Many sellers face challenges that hinder their ability to properly market their products – especially when reselling products – since they may not have control over the product listing details, such as description and other pertinent information. Fortunately, Brand Registry allows manufacturers to take more control of their brand and products.

What Is Amazon Brand Registry?

Amazon Brand Registry is a program designed to provide manufacturers and brand owners with additional control over their brand and products by enabling access to enhanced marketing capabilities and helping to protect the brand as a whole. This program helps brand owners protect their intellectual property and content on the Amazon marketplace, providing an enhanced, cohesive brand experience for customers both on and off the platform.

According to Amazon, “Brand Registry provides access to powerful tools including proprietary text and image search, predictive automation based on your reports of suspected intellectual property rights violations, and increased authority over product listings with your brand name.”

How to Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry

First and foremost, to qualify for enrollment in Amazon Brand Registry, a seller must have an active, registered trademark in each country where they wish to enrol or have a pending trademark application filed through Amazon IP Accelerator. Per Amazon, “The trademark for your brand must be in the form of a text-based mark (word mark) or an image-based mark with words, letters, or numbers (design mark).”

Next, a seller will create an Amazon Brand Registry account where they can officially enrol as the brand owner for their products. To enrol, the seller will need to provide important information in four areas:


o Brand name
o Brand logo
o Number of brand names being registered


o Trademark type
o Trademark name
o Registration number
o Trademark registering office


o Product images
o Brand logo
o Packaging images
o Online presence information (website, social media, etc.


o Seller account information
o Vendor account details
o State if the products have GTINs, EANs, UPCs, or EANs
o Manufacturing details
o License details
o Manufacturing country
o Countries where the products are distributed

What Are the Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry?

Once verified through Amazon’s Brand Registry, the brand owner has access to a powerful suite of tools that can enhance the brand.

• A+ Content: Helps businesses showcase their brand story and product features using rich text and images on the Amazon detail page to help drive conversion and potentially increase traffic and sales.
• Sponsored Brands: Grow brand awareness with ads that feature the brand’s logo, a custom headline, and up to three of their products.
• Amazon Stores: Promote the brand and products with the brand owner’s own multi-page Store on Amazon for free.
Amazon Brand Analytics: Make informed and strategic decisions with powerful data. Learn more about customers, including search terms and more customer behaviour data reports, which can help brand owners make smarter, faster business decisions.

The Importance of Registering a Brand

Brand Registry helps to protect a brand by providing the brand owner with additional control of their product listings. This designation is key because it allows for better management of the brand’s product listings, so customers see accurate information, which is determined by the brand owner instead
of a third party. The program also provides proactive brand protection by using information about the brand to remove suspected infringement or inaccurate information, as well as the ability for the brand owner to use search tools to find and report suspected violations. These comprehensive benefits help to protect brand image and improve customers’ experience.

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