Resolve or respond to buyer feedback

When a buyer posts negative seller feedback, we encourage you to contact the buyer individually to resolve the problem. After resolving their concerns, you can notify the buyer that it is possible to update, remove, or provide additional feedback if they wish to do so. Remember that pressuring or incentivizing a buyer to remove or modify negative feedback is a violation of our policies.

Example of acceptable notification: “If you are satisfied that we have resolved your concerns, it is possible to update or remove the feedback you originally provided here.”

Example of violation of policy: “Would you be willing to remove your feedback if we provide you with a coupon for 25% off your next purchase?”

Resolve buyer feedback

When a buyer posts negative seller feedback in Customer Reviews, we encourage you to contact the buyer individually to resolve the problem. After resolving their concerns, you can ask them to update the negative feedback or remove it from the website. Remember that pressuring or incentivizing a buyer to remove or modify negative feedback is a violation of our policies.

You can contact a buyer regarding negative feedback by using one of the following options:

Use the Feedback Manager

  1. Go to Feedback under the Performance tab.
  2. In the Recent Feedback table, select Contact Customer under the Actions column next to the designated Order ID.

Use the Buyer-Seller Messaging templates

For more information, see Email templates for Buyer-Seller Messaging. Important: You can only use the Buyer-Seller Messaging templates to contact a buyer in regards to an order or a customer service question. Note: Buyers can remove their feedback on a seller transaction at any time within 60 calendar days from the date they originally left the feedback.

You can also use the same steps to address incorrect feedback. If a buyer makes a mistake when evaluating and submitting feedback, you can’t edit it, but the buyer can delete it.

For more information, see Can Amazon remove buyer feedback?.

To learn more about what we tell buyers about their feedback, see Remove Third-Party seller Feedback.

Respond to buyer feedback

Use the Feedback Manager:

  1. Go to Feedback under the Performance tab.
  2. In the Recent Feedback table, select Post a public response.

For buyers who decide not to remove or modify negative feedback, you can post a response on the Amazon website. Note: Your response will be available for public viewing. Please don’t use this as a way to communicate with the buyer.

In your posting, you can explain how you worked to correct the problem. Your response won’t change your feedback rating, but other buyers will be able to read your explanation when they see the buyer’s feedback.

When replying to negative feedback, keep your comments brief and professional. Even if the buyer’s comment is not courteous, replying in a similar manner can backfire and reflect badly on you.

To remove your response:

  1. In Seller Central, click Feedback under the Performance header.
  2. Click the Order ID of the Feedback containing your response.
  3. Find the comment you want to remove and click Request Removal.
  4. Click Request Removal again to confirm, or click Cancel to cancel your request.

After you submit your response, you can’t edit it, but you can delete it. If you delete your response, you can’t submit a second response. In addition, if a buyer removes or modifies their feedback, your response is also removed, and you can submit a new response.


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